So how do Auckland priests break down sexual inhibitions to promote the glbtqi+ agenda?

To become more ‘friendly’ they advertise their fantasies during their homilies at St. Patrick’s cathedral of course!

Naturally those like minded will approach him after the service.

But many have never considered his fantasy!

This from a parishioner listening to Msgr David Tonks in 2009:
January 20, 2009 at 1:53 pm

My wife and I were at that mass. We could not believe our ears. And, judging by the amount of whispering and shuffling of the rest of the congregation, we weren’t the only ones.
May I quote? –
(priest speaking of himself) “Admit it, sometime you just want to find a big sexual orgy!”
This was said right after a little explaination of how the imagination is a very good thing and we are quite ok to indulge anything that comes into it.
“Sexual orgy” was said more than once through the homily.
My wife and I were celebrating out second wedding anniverary up in Auckland. We had had a wonderful time in your lovely city before then, and we were both very impressed with the upgrades to the Cathedral. Very beautiful. But we both felt like having a shower after hearing that homily. Quite disgusting.
He baptised a little boy straight after the homily. Seriously, after hearing him say all that I wouldn’t let that guy any where near my kids.
Even more to the point, if he’s more than willing to admit this to a packed cathedral congregation, what sort of things does he keep to himself? The mind boggles.

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