Why I support Tamaki

1. He’s got fruit, and they’ve got many of the values I share.

Tamaki has been echoing St Paul by telling people to follow him as he follows Christ. Destiny has many families who have changed lives, own their own businesses, and have paid off their mortgages. Tamaki’s own son following in his footsteps in Oz seems to have turned out not so bad. Of course the Tamaki’s are not perfect, no one is, I’m not. Some will come unstuck if they don’t know Christ and refuse to read His Word to get to know Him. But I also know (personally) some who speak against Tamaki do not tell the whole story, only their hurts. I’ve noticed some people tend to see their own faults in Tamaki, and complain about those most. It’s also usual for people who don’t get what they want from someone to then slag them off. People try and tar Tamaki  by those he’s previously associated with. I’ve also been in prison ministry and have friends with the lowest of the criminal scale, and others from soul destroying industries I detest, who have reformed their lives. Perhaps Tamaki has more fruit than most other pastoral leaders here in NZ.

2. I am not told what to think, or led by the government controlled main stream media.

So many Kiwis have their lives dictated to them by the media. They say they don’t believe media on COVID or economy or gender issues, but then do believe media on religious issues. The worst media followers are those who say they disagree with the media – but yet freely give the media the power to control them anyway. They stay away from those the media tell them to stay away from . This prevents a unified opposition being associated with Tamaki because of his media image. Those who say they don’t trust the media still submit to the media wishes because they are scared of the media.

3. Tamaki isn’t led by Jacinda’s paid for media either.

No one else has put their neck out to the same extent Tamaki has. The media have even started to report with some degree of truth of what Tamaki has been saying. Tamaki is learning how to play the media. It’s accepted the media don’t believe in God, or karma either, but as they report on the chaos they’ve helped create, they’ll discover there’s always a price to be paid.

why i support tamaki

4. Tamaki isn’t afraid to name the issues.

Granted, that along with the political left, the Labour/Greens and trade unions, many Kiwi’s are now in favour of the sexualisation of kids in primary schools with the lgbt agenda, and that they should be groomed to lead churches,. Many agree with Jacinda’s science and universities which cannot distinguish between male and female. Many agree families meaningless and unnecessary to raise children because the government can do it better. Many agree Islam is a religion of peace here in NZ. Many agree the overseas controlled corporate government has a right to control what people say and do. Many want a new one world order, and many agree that NZ should have several classes of people based on race. Many more here in NZ think that as long as these things don’t affect them, anyone is free to do what they like. But I am not any of those people.

5. I know it only takes one man.

Samuel Marsden was (and still is by some) known as the Apostle to NZ. Marsden is still hated by many in Australia to this day, but the original mission to educate New Zealanders to be independent Christians was his idea. He wasn’t the one doing most of the work here, that was Thomas Kendal. It was Kendall who started the first school and printed the first literature in the language of the New Zealanders, as it was known back then. but it was Marsden who recruited, directed and financed the mission. It was Kendall that laid the basis for the later fight against Darwin, saying skin colour didn’t mean anyone was more animal/less human or less loved by their Creator. It was Kendall who continued to try and learn the language and culture even when his wife had cheated on him and his own churchmen were against him. You won’t know who Thomas Kendall is because his biography was written by a radical feminist divorcee who hated her homosexual vice-chancellor father with a passion, and was written to embarrass the churches, so today they ignore Kendall’s legacy. Guess who wrote Tamaki’s biography? (he features on this site!) For the same purpose no doubt; to embarrass anyone away from supporting  Tamaki. Marsden was far from perfect, yet here we all are!

why i support tamaki
Thomas Kendall’s biographer

So that’s why I support Tamaki.

I’m not advocating anyone supports Tamaki blindly. My studies have been theology, one majoring in religious history, so I’m aware of more than just modern western Christian styles. Not many of my friends will agree with me, and most will certainly recoil in horror at this web page. You’re welcome to email warren at this domain name, and if you’re a real person with verifiable real contact details, I may include opposing comments below (especially if you’re a Christian who quotes scripture at me out of it’s historical scriptural context).



Disclaimer: yes I am a Christian, yes I tithe (one of THOSE Christians), no I’m not a Destiny member, although I have occasionally contributed to them financially at their events. Tamaki’s biographer marked my uni paper that compared Hebrew and Maori prophets with Tamaki. Linehams comments reveals how his own biases.

ps: even Tamaki’s self appointed biographer admits he was ordained an apostle by the Apostolic council of NZ, apparently even before his Destiny days.

Why I support Tamaki
Brian Tamaki’s self appointed biographer