Priest Sex Abuse Is All About Homosexuality

I have realised that I am not the only one to come to the conclusion that I have after 5 years of theological Education here in New Zealand. The issues are the same all over the world. This article below was written in 2015, and matches my observations while I was volunteering in the child sex wings at Auckland Prison, in that most of the resident inmates of these programmes were bisexual or homosexual. And they know their scriptural justifications for their sexual preference (see the section: Theology of a Paedophile).

One of the biggest lies of the sex abuse scandal is that “pedophile priests” were the culprits

The homosexual subculture has always involved sexual attraction to youths, and is a well-accepted part of the gay lifestyle. (The term “twink” denotes an adolescent sex partner, a common occurrence among active homosexuals.) And evidence shows homosexuals abuse children at far higher rates than heterosexuals. According to one study, “homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls.” This bears out: Although homosexuals comprise only 1–3 percent of the entire population, they are committing up to 33 percent of all sex crimes against children. 
Priest Sex Abuse Is All About Homosexuality

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